The BlAck Form collective

By Adam Odomore & Stephanie Duruji

“What I feel at the moment of knocking is fury that someone is paid to take care of her house, though no one lives in it, and that her house still, in fact, stands while mine--which is of course we never owned anyways--is slowly rotting into dust.”
----Alice Walker

This is a curated platform dedicated to EDUCATE, ADVOCATE, and AGITATE. These sets of resources
should be used as tools to learn and support the black movement to fight against white supremacy and systemic racism while learning the ways to heal ourselves.

This is because the only way to undo racism is to consistently identify and describe it--and then dismantle it.
----Ibram X. Kendi

The fight for the black liberation doesn’t just end once you’ve protested and donated. It’s an ongoing practice to change not only ourselves but the system that refuses to bulge by speaking truth to the ways corporations should diversify their management structure, uncovering your own or someone else’s racial biases including speaking out against the injustices of the criminal justice system.

There’s so much to learn and practice while also prioritizing our time for self-care and mental health whether that’s simply resting or consuming rich nourishing food because food in itself is political. Everyday, we can get better, keep the fire burning and be intentional about how we show up for ourselves and for the black community.